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Burnley Football Club
London Supporters Club



The name of the club shall be the Burnley Football Club London Supporters Club (hereafter known as the Club).



The objectives of the club shall be to:-

2.1   promote the interests of Burnley Football Club (BFC) supporters primarily in London and the South East.

2.2   organise such sporting and social events as deemed suitable and acceptable to the membership.

2.3   support the aims of the Association of Provincial Football Supporters Clubs in London (APFSCIL) and other umbrella supporters          organisations to whom the club deems appropriate to affiliate, to encourage friendly relations with supporters of other football clubs.

2.4 organise where possible, trips for members to BFC matches.

2.5 support, help and encourage BFC.

2.6 foster good relations with BFC supporters elsewhere in Britain and internationally.

2.7      provide no less than four magazines a year for members and otherwise communicate with members as appropriate.



3.1 The Committee, which shall be an administrative body, shall consist of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Travel Secretary, Treasurer, Ticket Secretary, Sports & Social Secretary, Website Editor, Membership Secretary, Magazine Editor and other members deemed as necessary by the membership at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Committee shall be considered quorate if half of its elected membership is present. If 4 members are present including 2 from Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary & Treasurer.

3.2 The Chair shall chair each meeting of the committee and shall preside at the AGM until the election of the Chair for the new year is taken on the agenda.  At this point, the Vice-Chair shall conduct the election of the Chair. The Chair shall ensure that the constitution of the club is maintained, reviewed and developed on behalf of and for the benefit of the membership.  The Chair shall manage the members of the Committee fairly and effectively and delegate tasks to Committee members where these have been agreed by the Committee itself.

3.3 The Secretary shall circulate a calling notice and agenda for each Committee meeting to each Committee member at least seven days in advance of each meeting.  The Secretary will take minutes and circulate these no more than ten days after each meeting, and then publish these in a future Magazine.  The Secretary shall also prepare the papers for the AGM. (see 4.2)

3.4 Nominations for Committee posts should be received in writing by the Secretary at least one week prior to the AGM.  If no nominations have been received for a certain post, then these shall be accepted from the floor.  When more than one candidate is nominated for a specific post, then the election shall be decided by a simple majority of votes cast.

3.5 Each Committee member shall be elected at an AGM, or if necessary, at an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM), or by co-option by a quorate Committee meeting.

3.6 A minimum of four Committee meetings shall be held each year at regular intervals.



4.1 AGM’s shall be held, generally in the close season, at a time and place to be determined by the Committee.  Notice to be given to all members, not less than one month in advance.

4.2 The agenda and relevant papers for the AGM shall be prepared by the Secretary and shall be made available before the commencement of the AGM.

4.3 Minutes of the AGM shall be taken by the Secretary or his/her nominated representative and shall be published in the Magazine or as part of a mailing to members with the notice for the next AGM.

4.4 Voting shall be by a show of hands of paid up members, and all proposals except regarding a change in the constitution or dissolution of the Club shall be carried by a simple majority.

4.5 The constitution shall be changed only at an AGM or an EGM by a two-thirds majority of paid up members present.  Proposed changes to the constitution shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least one calendar month prior to the AGM. Motions may be included on the day of the AGM subject to the prior agreement of a simple majority of paid up members present.

4.6 The quorum for an AGM or EGM shall be ten paid up members.



An EGM shall be called by the Secretary if presented with a petition containing no less than ten separate signatures from members.  The petition must provide detail of the reason for the request. Proxy and postal votes will be allowed.



6.1 The Committee or an AGM or EGM shall have the power to reprimand, suspend or expel from membership any member who has infringed any Club rule, or whose conduct, in the opinion of the Committee, renders him or her unfit for membership.  Before any such action, the member shall be given the opportunity to explain his or her conduct to the Committee.

6.2 Any member suspended or expelled from membership shall have the right of an appeal before an Appeal Committee made up of the Chair, another Committee member, and an ordinary member.  The precise membership of such a Committee shall be determined by the Secretary who will endeavour to achieve a balanced panel mindful of equal opportunities.  The Secretary shall convene and attend any hearing to take minutes but shall not take any part in the final decision taken.  An independent observer from a reputable supporter’s organisation, such as a member of the APFSCIL committee may also be invited to the hearing.  



7.1 The Club shall maintain a bank account, cheques in respect of which shall be signed by any two authorised signatories. A register of authorised signatories shall be determined by the Treasurer.

7.2 The Treasurer shall present a financial statement to the Committee at Committee meetings and shall formulate an income and expenditure account and a balance sheet for presentation at the AGM.



The Club shall be wound up at any quorate AGM or EGM where there is a two-thirds majority of voting paid up members in favour of a motion to wind up the affairs of the Club, with such a motion being clearly indicated on the agenda for the meeting.

When such a winding up motion has been passed, the Treasurer, or any other such person or persons nominated by the winding up motion, shall seize all the assets of the Club, and they shall thereafter be donated, after settlement of all outstanding debts, at the discretion of the BFCLSC Committee. All data covered under current data protection legislation, including data held electronically, shall be destroyed.


Last Amended – 24/07/21

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